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Darwin-L Message Log 1:14 (September 1993)
Academic Discussion on the History and Theory of the Historical Sciences
This is one message from the Archives of Darwin-L (1993–1997), a professional discussion group on the history and theory of the historical sciences.
Note: Additional publications on evolution and the historical sciences by the Darwin-L list owner are available on SSRN.
<1:14>From davidp@ucmp1.Berkeley.EDU Sun Sep 5 13:57:00 1993 Date: Sun, 5 Sep 93 11:59:45 PDT From: davidp@ucmp1.Berkeley.EDU (David Polly) To: darwin-l@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu Subject: Classification and things that look like flies I like the group in Lois' chinese classification of things "that look like flies from far away." I think this group is still used alot... I want to add my own opinion on some of the aspects raised by Lois in her note... She presented a quote asking, "IF NEW TAXONOMIES MEAN NEW WAYS OF ORDERING AND DOCUMENTING COLLECTIONS, THEN DO THE EXISTING WAYS IN WHICH COLLECTIONS ARE ORGANIZED MEAN THAT TAXONOMIES ARE IN FACT SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED RATHER THAT TRUE OR RATIONAL.... " She expanded this question to ask whether existing systems of classification enable some ways of knowing, but prevent others. These are both very interesting questions, especially when it comes to zoological classifications of animals, which are based both on contemporary research and rules and traditions of legalistic taxonomic priority. These two aspects interact in interesting ways... My own area of expertise is vertebrate, especially mammalian, classification above the species level. Since the early 1700's the philosphophy of vertebrate classification has undergone a number of widespread paradigm shifts that were mostly prompted by changes in evolutionary paradigm and by "social" interactions within the scientific community producing classifications. On of the most interesting, in my opinion, was what happened to classification in the last half of the 19th century after the general acceptance of evolution in the zoological community. Through that time, classifications of vertebrates went from a completely heirarchical, nested set of groups to a "graded" classification in which evolutionary lineages evolved "into" new groups as they changed over time. These groups had fuzzy diagnoses and were arranged like steps on a ladder. They were a completely new construct--nothing like them was used before about 1860. It would appear that this style of classification had two main goals: to portray groups "naturally" according to the "laws of evolution" and to make groups more dynamic in order to convince an unconvinced scientific and public community of the reality of evolution. The view of evolution as something similar to the unfolding of ontogeny, or embryonic development, inspired a classification based on stages or grades, similar to stages of an animal embryo. The desire to demonstrate evolution by shown that a single evolving lineage "moved" from taxonomic group to taxonomic group also motivated many of the taxonomists of this time. This note could go on forever, so I think I will leave it here for the moment. I only want to add that there have been several paradigm shifts in the philosophy of vertebrate classification since that time and there is one going on right now as the movement for a completely cladistic classification gains almost universal acceptance among taxonomists, especially younger ones. All of these movements since the mid-19th century have had as their stated goal the reconciliation of taxonomy with the fact of evolution, but they have all gone about this reconciliation in different ways-- usually in ways that were a reaction against the prevailing paradigm of the day. In this last respect, the paradigm shift could be viewed to a greater or lesser extent as a rebellion by up-and-coming younger scientists against their conception of the "dogmatic" beliefs of their mentors. By portraying groups in new ways and for new reasons it is often possible to make that which seems old and outmoded new and fresh, even when the actual changes may be very subtle... David Polly | Museum of Paleontology and Department of Integrative Biology | University of California | Berkeley, CA 94720 | davidp@ucmp1.berkeley.edu
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