

Darwin-L Message Log 1:70 (September 1993)

Academic Discussion on the History and Theory of the Historical Sciences

This is one message from the Archives of Darwin-L (1993–1997), a professional discussion group on the history and theory of the historical sciences.

Note: Additional publications on evolution and the historical sciences by the Darwin-L list owner are available on SSRN.

<1:70>From DARWIN@iris.uncg.edu  Wed Sep  8 13:36:56 1993

Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1993 14:41:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: DARWIN@iris.uncg.edu
Subject: Historical sciences bibliography
To: darwin-l@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu
Organization: University of NC at Greensboro

Greetings again to all the new subscribers.  Here is another small selective
bibliography on the sciences of historical reconstruction.  It is not meant
to be exhaustive, but rather introductory.  The works cited below address the
range of scholarly topics that I hope we will be able to discuss on Darwin-L
as our group develops.  One of our members has requested brief annotations to
accompany the references.  This is a very good idea, and I will try to put
some in on the next revision.

Bob O'Hara, Darwin-L list owner



Compiled by Robert J. O'Hara, Center for Critical Inquiry in the Liberal
Arts, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina
27412-5001, U.S.A.  (Email: RJOHARA@UNCG.bitnet or RJOHARA@iris.uncg.edu.)
This list of references is in no sense complete, and it has not been compiled
with any special rationale in mind.  It is simply a listing of a few works
that can serve as introductions to the special character of the historical
sciences of evolution, geology, and philology.  It may be freely distributed
in print or electronically as long as the references and this header remain

Aarsleff, Hans.  1967.  The Study of Language in England, 1780-1860.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Albury, William R., & David R. Oldroyd.  1977.  From Renaissance mineral
studies to historical geology, in the light of Michel Foucault's The Order of
Things.  British Journal for the History of Science, 10:187-215.

Browne, Janet.  1983.  The Secular Ark: Studies in the History of
Biogeography.  New Haven: Yale University Press.

Brush, Stephen G.  1987.  The nebular hypothesis and the evolutionary world
view.  History of Science, 25:245-278.

Burrow, J.  1967.  The uses of philology in Victorian England.  Pp. 180-204
in: Ideas and Institutions of Victorian Britain (R. Robson, ed.).  London.

Christy, Craig.  1983.  Uniformitarianism in Linguistics.  Amsterdam: John
Benjamins.  (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic
Science.  Series III, Studies in the History of Linguistics, vol. 31.)

Ghiselin, Michael T.  1969.  The Triumph of the Darwinian Method.
Berkeley: University of California Press.  [Reprinted 1984, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.]

Gould, Stephen J.  1987.  Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle.  Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.

Gould, Stephen J.  1989.  Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of
History.  New York: Norton.

Greene, John C.  1959.  The Death of Adam: Evolution and its Impact on
Western Thought.  Ames: University of Iowa Press.

Haber, Frances C.  1959.  The Age of the World: Moses to Darwin.  Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.

Hodge, Michael J. S.  1991.  The history of the earth, life, and man: Whewell
and palaetiological science.  Pp. 255-288 in: William Whewell: A Composite
Portrait (Menachem Fisch & Simon Schaffer, eds.).  Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Hoenigswald, Henry M., & Linda F. Wiener, eds.  1987.  Biological Metaphor
and Cladistic Classification: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Lyell, Charles.  1830-1833.  Principles of Geology.  London: John Murray.
[Facsimile reprint edited by Martin Rudwick, University of Chicago Press,

Lyon, John, & Phillip R. Sloan, eds.  1981.  From Natural History to the
History of Nature: Readings from Buffon and His Critics.  Notre Dame:
University of Notre Dame Press.

Miller, Hugh.  1939.  History and Science.  Berkeley: University of
California Press.

Nitecki, Matthew H., & Doris V. Nitecki, eds.  1992.  History and Evolution.
Albany: State University of New York Press.

O'Hara, Robert J.  1988.  Homage to Clio, or toward an historical philosophy
for evolutionary biology.  Systematic Zoology, 37:142-155.

O'Hara, Robert J.  1992.  Telling the tree: narrative representation and the
study of evolutionary history.  Biology and Philosophy, 6:255-274.

Oldroyd, David R.  1979.  Historicism and the rise of historical geology.
History of Science, 17:191-213, 227-257.

Rossi, Paolo.  1984.  The Dark Abyss of Time: The History of the Earth and
the History of Nations from Hooke to Vico.  Chicago: University of Chicago

Rudwick, Martin J. S.  1977.  Historical analogies in the geological work of
Charles Lyell.  Janus, 64:89-107.

Rudwick, Martin J. S.  1992.  Scenes from Deep Time: Early Pictorial
Representations of the Prehistoric World.  Cambridge: Cambridge University

Shapiro, Barbara.  1979.  History and natural history in sixteenth- and
seventeenth-century England: an essay on the relationship between humanism
and science.  Pp. 1-55 in: English Scientific Virtuosi in the 16th and 17th
Centuries.  Papers read at a Clark Library Seminar, 5 February 1977 by
Barbara Shapiro and Robert G. Frank, Jr.  Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark
Memorial Library, University of California.

Sloan, Phillip R.  1985.  From logical universals to historical individuals:
Buffon's idea of biological species.  Pp. 101-140 in: Histoire du Concept
d'Espece dans les Sciences de la Vie.  Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac.

Sloan, Phillip R.  1990.  Natural history, 1670-1802.  Pp. 295-313 in:
Companion to the History of Modern Science (R. C. Olby et al., eds.).
London: Routledge.

Sober, Elliott.  1988.  Reconstructing the Past: Parsimony, Evolution, and
Inference.  Cambridge: MIT Press.

Toulmin, Stephen E., & June Goodfield.  1965.  The Discovery of Time.  New
York: Harper & Row.  [Reprinted by University of Chicago Press.]

Trigger, Bruce G.  1989.  A History of Archaeological Thought.  Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

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