

Darwin-L Message Log 1:115 (September 1993)

Academic Discussion on the History and Theory of the Historical Sciences

This is one message from the Archives of Darwin-L (1993–1997), a professional discussion group on the history and theory of the historical sciences.

Note: Additional publications on evolution and the historical sciences by the Darwin-L list owner are available on SSRN.

<1:115>From minaka@ss.niaes.affrc.go.jp  Mon Sep 13 22:26:52 1993

Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 12:20:47 +0900
To: darwin-l@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu
From: minaka@ss.niaes.affrc.go.jp
Subject: Re: Trees of history bibliography (long)

>HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS, AND STEMMATICS.  Version of February 1993. Compiled by
>Robert J. O'Hara, Center for Critical Inquiry in the Liberal Arts and
>Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro,
>North Carolina 27412-5001, U.S.A.  (Email: RJOHARA@iris.uncg.edu.)

I'd like to add several theoretical papers to Robert J. O'Hara's _Trees of
history bibliography (1&2)_ on Sept 11. My selection focuses on _mathematics_
of phylogenetic trees including reticulated graphs. Some of the papers
listed below could be added to O'Hara's bibliography.

(1) Mathematics of trees
Abe, J.M. & N. Papavero 1992. Teoria intuitiva dos conjuntos. (In Portuguese)
Makron Books, McGraw-Hill, Sao Paulo. [Textbook on set-theory with special
reference to phylogenetic systematics]

Dress, A. & A. von Haeseler, eds. 1990. Trees and hierarchical structures.
Proceedings of a conference held at Bielefeld, FRG, Oct.5-9th, 1987. Lecture
Notes in Biomathematics 84, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Foulds, L.R. 1992. Graph theory applications. Springer-Verlag, New York.
[Graph theory applied to phylogenetic trees]

Gregg, J.R. 1954. The language of taxonomy. An application of symbolic
logic to the study of classificatory systems. Columbia University Press,
New York. [Logical analysis of classificatory systems, _NOT_ of phylogeny]

Papavero, N. & J.M. Abe 1993. Funciones que preserven orden y categorias
lineanas. Publicaciones Especiales del Museo de Zoologia (Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), 5:39-74. (In Spanish) [Partial-order theory
of classification]

Papavero, N. & J. Llorente-Bousquets, eds. 1993. Principia taxonomica. Una
introduccion a los fundamentos logicos, filosoficos y metodologicos de las
escuelas de taxonomia biologica. Volumen I. Conceptos basicos de la
taxonomia: una formalizacion. (In Spanish) Universidad Nacional Autonoma de

Mexico. [Order-theoretical formalization of taxonomic and phylogenetic

Thomason, R.H. 1969. Species, determinates and natural kinds. Nous, 3:95-
101. [Set-theoretical analysis of classificatory systems]

Wang, F.K., D.S. Richards & P Winter 1992. The Steiner tree problem.
Annals of Discrete Mathematics 53, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
[Includes a chapter on estimating phylogenetic trees]

(2) Reticulated trees
Delattre, P. 1988. Sur la recherche des filiations en phylogenese.
(In French) Revue Internationale de Systemique, 2:479-504.

Funk, V.A. 1985. Phylogenetic patterns and hybridization.
Annals of Missouri Botanical Garden, 72:681-715.

McDade, L. 1990. Hybrids and phylogenetic systematics I: Patterns of
character expression in hybrids and their implications for cladistic
analysis. Evolution, 44:1685-1700.

McDade, L. 1992. Hybrids and phylogenetic systematics II: The impact of
hybrids on cladistic analysis. Evolution, 46:1329-1346.

Minaka, N. 1990. Cladogram and reticulated graphs: A proposal for graphic
representation of cladistic structures. Bulletin of Biogeographic Society
of Japan, 45:1-10.

Nelson, G. 1983. Reticulation in cladograms. Pp.105-111 in N.I. Platnick &
V.A. Funk, eds. _Advances in cladistics, volume 2_ Columbia University
Press, New York.

Wagner, W.H.,Jr 1983. Reticulistics: The recognition of hybrids and their role
in cladistics and classification. Pp. 63-79 in N.I. Platnick & V.A. Funk,
eds. _Advances in cladistics, volume 2_ Columbia University Press, New

Wareham, H.T. 1993. On the computational complexity of inferring evolutionary
trees. Technical Report #9301, Memorial Unversity of Newfoundland.
[With a discussion on reticulated trees]

(3) Definitions of trees
Jepsen, G.L. 1944. Phylogenetic trees. Transactions of New York Academy of
Sciences, Series 2, 6:81-92.

Minaka, N. 1987. Branching diagrams in cladistics: Their definitions and
implications for biogeographic analyses. Bulletin of Biogeographic Society
of Japan, 42:65-78.

Ohta, Kuniyoshi 1993. My view on phylogenetics. (In Japanese) Panmixia
(Systematic Entomology Discussion Group of Japan), 9:1-25. [History of
tree diagrams since early 19th century]

Sluys, R. 1984. The meaning and implications of genealogical tree diagrams.

Zeitschrift fur zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, 22:1-8.

(3) Historical linguistics
Barthelemy, J.P. & A. Guenoche 1991. Trees and proximity representations.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. English translation of _Les Arbres et les
representations des proximites_ (1988, Masson, Paris). [Graph-theory and
combinatorics of phylogenetic trees of languages]

Hoenigswald, H.M. 1973. Studies in formal historical linguistics. D. Reidel,
Dordrecht. [_Cladistics_ of linguistic genealogy]

(4) Stemmatics
Lee, A.R. 1990. BLUDGEON: A blunt instrument for the analysis of
contamination in textual traditions. Pp. 261-292 in Y. Choueka, ed.
_Computers in literary and linguistic research, volume 3_ Champion-
Slatkine, Paris. [A computer software for stemmatics]

Ragan, M.A. & A.R. Lee 1992. Making phylogenetic sense of biochemical and
 morphological diversity among the protists. Pp. 432-441 in E.C. Dudley,
ed. _The unity of evolutionary biology_ Dioscorides Press, Portland.
[An application of Lee's BLUDGEON to systematic biology]

Nobuhiro Minaka
*********************** Nobuhiro Minaka **********************
* Laboratory of Statistics, Division of Information Analysis *
* National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences          *
* ADDRESS: Kannon-dai 3-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki305, Japan      *
* PHONE: 0298-38-8222;   FAX: 0298-38-8199                   *
* E-mail:  minaka@niaes.affrc.go.jp  [Internet]              *

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