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Darwin-L Message Log 1:117 (September 1993)
Academic Discussion on the History and Theory of the Historical Sciences
This is one message from the Archives of Darwin-L (1993–1997), a professional discussion group on the history and theory of the historical sciences.
Note: Additional publications on evolution and the historical sciences by the Darwin-L list owner are available on SSRN.
<1:117>From WILLS@macc.wisc.edu Mon Sep 13 22:50:51 1993 Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 22:51 CDT From: Jeffrey Wills <WILLS@macc.wisc.edu> Subject: folktales and texts To: darwin-l@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu Self-introduction: I am a classicist and historical linguist (Indo-Europeanist) with a general interest in the formalization of the history of language and language-bearing artifacts. The interconnections between biological and linguistic history are well known, but it is wonderful to see textual history receiving more attention. In addition to stemmatics (manuscript history), Peter has included the history of writs, and I would like to mention folktales/folkloric narratives. To non-specialists the names of Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm are less associated with Grimm's Law than with Grimm's Fairy Tales. The 19th century burst of work in reconstructing Indo-European linguistics was accompanied by parallel (but less formalized) work in Indo-European story and myth. The age of Victorian collectors led to the age of Scandinavian taxonomists (shades of Linnaeus?) and the Aarne-Thompson Motif-Index we have today. Historical linguistics has been out of fashion for over a generation due to the Chomskian revolution, but efforts at reconstructing folktale "histories" became suspect much earlier (not without reason, considering previous work), but I think the questions are still valid, even the methods are difficult. For the purposes of this list, I am struck by some work of C.W. von Sydow (from his *Selected Papers on Folklore*). He has a 1932 paper "Om traditionsspridning" (="On the Spread of Tradition") following up on the earlier debate between migration and inheritance theories in which he says "scholars have failed to study the biology of tradition" and discusses "active" and "passive" bearers. The title of his 1934 "Geography and Folk-Tale Oicotypes" explicitly uses a botanical term. As he explains: "In the science of botany *oicotype* is a term used to denote a hereditary plant-variety adapted to a certain milieu . . . through natural selection amongst hereditary dissimilar entities of the same species. When then in the field of traditions a widely spread tradition, such as a tale or a legend [i.e. a sagn], forms special types through isolation inside and suitability for certain culture districts, the term oicotype can also be used in the science of ethnology and folklore." In another passages he discusses the introduction of new elements into the sequence of a folktale in a way which might remind some of hybrids and genetic codes (the history of "sequences" themselves in folklore theory is a separate topic): "If we let K signify what is common to both oicotypes, then they have become separate from one another by the Slav adding the motives a, b, c, while the Indo-Iranian has instead added the motives p,q,r. The old Egyptian version has K+abc+pqr+xyz. In the whole of its composition the old Egyptian variant is unlike anything that we know of Egyptian folktale production, and is typically Indo-European . . . . Both oicotypes must have developed before 1300 B.C. Two traditors, one from each direction, met and told one another the tale. One introduced the other oicotype's peculiar features into his own version, and in this enlarged form told the tale to an Egyptian scribe, who wrote it down with his own additions." --as you can see, he pictures this transmission as related to manuscript transmission. Before one can engage in a proper study of folktales, though, von Sydow wants a better taxonomy (fuller than Aarne-Thomson that is). In the 1937 "Popular Prose Traditions and Their Classification" we read: "My demand for a natural scientific system is therefore not a negatively critical demand, but concerns a purely positive study of tales. We must first of all decide what tales are closely related and then place them in natural groups, greater and smaller. It is these groups which ought to be studied, and it is necessary to discover the laws which govern the different groups, their origin and development, their use and distribution. . . . Just as a zoologist cannot without reservation apply the scientific results obtained at from the study of bats to elephants or whales, so the student of tradition . . .etc." And he goes on to discuss the categorization of animal tales as his prime example. Jeffrey Wills Dept. of Classics, Univ. of Wisconsin wills@macc.wisc.edu
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