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Darwin-L Message Log 1:179 (September 1993)
Academic Discussion on the History and Theory of the Historical Sciences
This is one message from the Archives of Darwin-L (1993–1997), a professional discussion group on the history and theory of the historical sciences.
Note: Additional publications on evolution and the historical sciences by the Darwin-L list owner are available on SSRN.
<1:179>From HOLSINGE@UCONNVM.BITNET Mon Sep 20 12:19:25 1993 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1993 08:36:33 -0500 (EST) From: "Kent E. Holsinger" <HOLSINGE%UCONNVM.BITNET@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU> Subject: Re: Culture, evolution and Lamarck To: darwin-l@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu It strikes me in reading the discussion about the possibility of cultural evolution that an important distinction is being missed, viz. the distinction between Darwin's theory of evolution and his theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin's theory of evolution consists of the assertion that all of life's diversity can be explained as a result of descent with modification from a a single common ancestor. Descent with modification is the _only_ process specified. It includes both the branching of lineages and transformation within lineages. It doesn't specify anything about the mechanism that produces the branching or the transformation. In fact, as Ernst Mayr is fond of pointing out, Darwin mostly ignored the problem of how branching happens, focusing instead on the mechanics of transformation within lineages. Darwin's theory of natural selection is one mechanism by which evolutionary change can happen. It is the idea that types with a superior "fitness" will be more greatly represented in succeeding generations than those with a lesser fitness. It is _not_ the only mechanism of evolutionary change, nor is it the only mechanism that Darwin proposed. Darwin envisioned both the inheritance of acquired characteristics and use & disuse of parts as important sources of evolutionary change. We now know that additional processes, like genetic drift, can lead to evolutionary change in a population in the absence of natural selection. Taking this distinction as a given, I can see no reason why we can't talk about (at least certain forms of) cultural evolution. It may be difficult to define the characteristics that are changing, but ask any biological taxonomist how they define a "character" of an organism and you'll see that the problem is not unique to culture. Given that we can identify some characteristics of a culture, say language practices, and given that those characteristics change over time it seems likely to me that the changes can be understood in the broad framework of descent with modification. In fact, my limited understanding of linguistics suggests that this is precisely the case, the similarity of Romance languages being due to their common heritage in classical Latin and the resemblance of Germanic, Romance, and other languages being due to their common heritage in Indo-European. There are, of course, interesting ways in which cultural evolution differs from biological evolution, e.g., greater reticulation among lineages (especially now) and the potential for inheritance of acquired characters (what _is_ education, after all?). These differences, however, have to do with the _mechanisms_ responsible for producing descent with modification. Thus, I see cultural evolution as a historical process that will share some of the features of biological evolution, simply because both are a process of descent with modification, even though the mechanisms underlying biological and cultural evolution are very different. -- Kent
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