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Darwin-L Message Log 3:88 (November 1993)
Academic Discussion on the History and Theory of the Historical Sciences
This is one message from the Archives of Darwin-L (1993–1997), a professional discussion group on the history and theory of the historical sciences.
Note: Additional publications on evolution and the historical sciences by the Darwin-L list owner are available on SSRN.
<3:88>From LANGDON@GANDLF.UINDY.EDU Mon Nov 22 10:49:00 1993 Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1993 10:49:00 -0600 From: "JOHN LANGDON" <LANGDON@GANDLF.UINDY.EDU> To: rxn106@cac.psu.edu, darwin-l@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu Subject: Re: History of evolutionary thought In message <199311221509.AA19147@wilbur.cac.psu.edu> writes: > First, I would like to thank whoever is in charge of the > "Today in historical...". These small pieces are very informative (at > least for the non-specialist) and I really look forward to receiving > it. > > Second, I posted sometime ago a request for a list of Darwin > (and related) biographies but so far got no answer. It doesn't have to > include price, ISBN, etc: Just a simple list, if possible ranked in > terms of "quality" in someone's opinion. It would also be nice > mentioning if the item is in print. This is reproduced from a chapter in print. It is not comprehensive, but I hope it helps. from: JH Langdon and ME McGann, eds. 1993. The Natural History of Paradigms. University of Indianapolis Press. (Forthcoming) The Darwinian Revolution: A Selected Bibliography John H. Langdon Darwin left behind an extensive documentation of his thoughts, from his notebooks which span more than two decades before he published the Origin, to his autobiography. With the impact that Darwinism has had on science, society, and nearly every other aspect of Western culture, historians of science have examined and reexamined each clue for the cause and process of this critical paradigm shift. The best source for Darwin's ideas are his own books, for Darwin wrote vividly and clearly. The Voyage of the Beagle (1840-1843) recounts his trip of exploration that stimulated much of his thinking about the origin, evolution, and dispersion of species. The Origin of Species (1859) is his revolutionary presentation of natural selection. In The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871), Darwin extends his theories to human evolution. Biographies of Darwin are recorded by Darwin himself (Barlow, 1958) and most recently by Desmond and Moore (1992). Other examinations of the development of his thought come from Bowler (1990), Eiseley (1979), Gale (1982), Ghiselin (1969), Mayr (1991), Moorhead (1969), and Ospovat (1981). Stone (1980) has written a fictionalized account of his life. The intellectual, social, and political contexts have been documented extensively. The scientific history of the period is recounted by Bowler (1984, 1989), Brachman (1980), Brooks (1984), Eiseley (1958), Grayson (1983), Irvine (1955), Mayr (1972, 1982), and Ruse (1979). Desmond (1982, 1990) has linked the popular discussion of evolution with radical social politics. More general accounts of the history of evolutionary biology, extending into the 20th century include those of Bowler (1983), Edey and Johanson (1989), and Mayr (1980). Barlow, Nora, ed. 1958. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin. New York: Norton. Bowler, Peter J. 1983. The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades around 1900. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. __________ 1984. Evolution: The History of an Idea. Berkeley: University of California Press. __________ 1989. The Invention of Progress: The Victorians and the Past. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. __________ 1990. Charles Darwin, the Man and his Influence. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Brachman, Arnold C. 1980. A Delicate Arrangement: The Strange Case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.New York: Times Books. Brooks, John Langdon 1984. Just before the Origin: Alfred Russel Wallace's Theory of Evolution. New York: Columbia University Press. Darwin, Charles 1989. The Voyage of the Beagle. (1840-1843). Janet Brown and Michael Neve, eds. Harmondsworth: Penguin. __________ 1982. The Origin of Species. (1859). J.W. Burrow, ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin. __________ 1981. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. (1871). Princeton: University of Princeton Press. Desmond, Adrian 1982. Archetypes and Ancestors: Paleontology in Victorian London 1850-1875. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. __________ 1990. The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Desmond, Adrian, and James Moore 1992. Darwin. New York: Warner. Edey, Maitland A., and Donald C. Johanson 1989. Blueprints: Solving the Mystery of Evolution. Boston: Little, Brown. Eisley, Loren 1958. Darwin's Century: Evolution and the Men who Discovered it. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co. __________ 1979. Darwin and the Mysterious Mr. X: New Light on the Evolutionists. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Javonovich. Gale, Barry G. 1982. Evolution without Evidence: Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Ghiselin, Michael T. 1969. The Triumph of the Darwinian Method. Berkeley: University of California Press. Grayson, Donald K. 1983. The Establishment of Human Antiquity. New York: Academic Press. Greene, John C. 1992. From Aristotle to Darwin: reflections on Ernst Mayr's interpretation in The Growth of Biological Thought. Journal of the History of Biology 25(2):257-284. Irvine, William 1955. Apes, Angels, and Victorians: Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution. New York: McGraw-Hill. Mayr, Ernst 1972. The nature of the Darwinian Revolution. Science 176:981-989. __________ 1980. The Evolutionary Synthesis: Perspectives on the Unification of Biology. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. __________ 1982. The Growth of Biological Thought. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. __________ 1991. One Long Argument: Charles Darwin and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionary Thought. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Moorehead, Alan 1969. Darwin and the Beagle. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. Ospovat, Dov 1981. The Development of Darwin's Theory: Natural History, Natural Theology, and Natural Selection. New York: Cambridge University Press. Ruse, Michael 1979. The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Stone, Irving 1980. The Origin: A Biographical Novel of Charles Darwin. New York: Doubleday. JOHN H. LANGDON email LANGDON@GANDLF.UINDY.EDU DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY FAX (317) 788-3569 UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS PHONE (317) 788-3447 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46227
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