Misc. Notes
John Keep Nutting’s
Nutting Genealogy55 is a monograph of the descendants of this John Nutting, who first settled at Woburn, and then removed to Chelmsford, and then about 1661 to Groton. Details to be entered.
According to Savage,
184 John Nutting of “Groton, m. at Woburn, 28 Aug. 1650, Sarah Eggleton or Eggleden, or Iggleden, perhaps d. of Stephen, there had a s. b. 1651, who may have been John, and prob. other ch. certain. at Chelmsford, Mary, 16 Jan. 1656; and John, James, and Mary were bapt. 3 Aug. 1656; Sarah, b. 7 Jan. 1660, d. soon; but at G. the rec. gives these names: Sarah, 29 May 1663; Ebenezer, 23 Oct. 1666; and Jonathan, 17 Oct. 1668; was freem. 1660.”
Birthdate and place from
http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/jennin/igmget.cgi/n=Jennings?I1190 to be verified.