Misc. Notes
According to the Hartwell Genealogy
215, John Hartwell “served in King Philip’s War, reported by Capt. Thomas Wheeler as a member of his company which marched to the defence of Quaboag, now Brookfield. His estate was settled by agreement between his heirs, Middlesex record VI, 553. He was made a freeman of the colony Mar. 21, 1689-90. The exact place of his residence is unknown, as he owned several small tracts of land scattered over the town, vaguely described and bounded by similar tracts owned by other men. In the apportionment of the grant of lands in Concord Village, now Acton, he was allowed one right. On Apr. 19, 1697, he was one of a committee to run lines between Blood’s farms and the Chelmsford line, ‘from a stake at Hill’s ordinary with Chelmsford line to Walter Powers’ hill.’ In 1698 and 1702 he was a tythingman. In Jan. 23, 1699-1700 he deeded to John Fasset, late of Billerica, husband of his niece, Mary Hill, a ‘meadow and uplands, formerly belonging to William Hartwell, decd.’ in Shawshine corner, now a part of Bedford.” John Hartwell died of smallpox, 12 Jan 1702/3.