Birth Dateabt 1490
Will Date29 Aug 1552
Will PlaceBoxford, Suffolk, England
Death DateAug 1552
Death PlaceBoxford, Suffolk, England
Will Prov. Date15 Sep 1552
Misc. Notes
According to Threlfall’s
GMC50374, “JASPER RIDDLESDALE (or Rydysdale) of Boxford, county Suffolk, England, husbandman, was probably born about 1490. His wife was named Elizabeth.
“Jasper Rydysdale, husbandman, was a churchwarden of Boxford 1542-3 and 1547-8. During the period 1540 to 1550, he was paid various sums for loads of straw, clay, gravel and carriage of lead to the church (2d. in 1547). These must have been for repair of church property, the lead certainly for the church roof. He helped to organize a church ale* [original footnote: “*A money-making social gathering involving provision of food, drink, and entertainment.”] in 1544. In 1548, he bought a blue linen cloth from the church for 2s. He also received rent money from the church for the church house -- 1d. in 1544. He rented a house at Hagmer from the church for 12s.
“Jasper had sisters Agnes, Christine Egle and Margery Skott. Jasper died toward the end of August 1552. Elizabeth made her will shortly after his death and died the next year herself.” Abstracts of the wills of Jasper Riddlesdale and his wife Elizabeth follow.