Family Card - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth WALKER
Birth Date30 Jun 1794
Birth PlaceWoburn, Massachusetts
Death Date7 Nov 1875
Death PlaceLynn, Massachusetts
Birth DateNov 1783
Birth PlaceMassachusetts
Death Date30 Mar 1873
Death PlaceSomerville, Massachusetts
Misc. Notes
Joseph Parkhurst was a carpenter of Wilton, New Hampshire, and of Lexington and Reading, Massachusetts. The Bedford record of his marriage to Rhoda Wyman describes him as “Joseph of Wilton.”
Abiel Abbot Livermore & Sewall Putnam’s History of the Town of Wilton, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire (Lowell, Mass.: Marden & Rowell, 1888) includes several pages of Parkhurst genealogy (457-460), but no Joseph is mentioned.
Marr Date20 May 1824
Marr PlaceLexington, Massachusetts
ChildrenCaira (ca1828->1852)