NameCapt. Jerathmeel BOWERS
Birth Date2 May 1650
Birth PlaceCambridge, Massachusetts
Death Date23 Apr 1724
Death PlaceGroton, Massachusetts
Burial PlaceGroton, Massachusetts (Old Burying Ground)
FlagsGravestone documented, King William’s War (1689-98)
Misc. Notes
According to Green’s Epitaphs
746, Jerathmeel Bowers “had previously lived in Chelmsford, of which town he was one of the proprietors and a prominent inhabitant. At different times, he commanded a company against the Indians, and was a noted fighter of them. According to Savage, he was born May 2, 1650.” Green transcribes his gravestone in the Old Burying Ground in Groton thus: “[
Death’s Head.] | Here Lyes y
e Body | of Cap
d April y
e 23
d | 1724 in y
e 78
th | Year of His Age.” Note that the age reported on the gravestone does not agree with the birthdate quoted from Savage.
His house in Chelmsford, in the section that became Lowell, appears to be an historic site: distinctive name Jerathmeel was passed down through several generations in this family; there is a Jerahmeel Bowers buried under a square white-marble monument in the Pine Grove Cemetery in Leominster, d. 5 Oct 1795.