NameJohn DAVIS
Birth Dateabt 1626
Birth PlaceEngland
Will Date10 May 1701
Death Date1703
Death PlaceBarnstable, Massachusetts
Will Prov. Date9 Apr 1703
Immigr Date17 Apr 1635
Immigr Place“Elizabeth” from London
Reside1 PlaceBarnstable, Massachusetts
Occupationfarmer, house-carpenter
Misc. Notes
“His name appears frequently in Barnstable town records in connection with transfers of real estate, negotiations with Indians, and in other capacities. He took the oath of fidelity at Barnstable, 1657; was surveyor of highways in 1656, 1671, 1672, 1675, and 1677; sole executor of his father’s will, 1673; on grand inquest, 1682: he owned considerable real estate at various places and settled portions of it on his sons during his own life. His will is dated May 10, 1701, and speaks of his wife as living, also of sons John, Benjamin, Samuel, Dollar, Timothy, and Jabez, of daughters Mercy, Ruth Lynnell, and Mary Hincley; also of Hannah Jones’s five children, son John’s four eldest sons, granddaughter Mary Goodspeed, and grandson Joseph Davis. Will proved April 9, 1703. Amount of inventory, £268 12s. 4d.”