Family Card - Person Sheet
NamePhilip VERIN
Immigr Date1635
Immigr Place“James” from Southampton
Misc. Notes
According to Savage,
858 Philip Verin (or Veren or Vering) of “Salem, br. prob. of the first Joshua, came 1635, arr. at Boston, in the James from Southampton, in the ship’s clearance call. ‘a roper,’ late of New Sarum, or the city of Salisbury as in mod. times we designate it, bring. w. Dorcas, and ch. perhaps all b. in Eng. Philip, Nathaniel, Hilliard, and Joshua, yet poss. one or more were b. here, for he had sec. w. Jane, wh. join. the ch. in 1640; was freem. 2 Sept. 1635, but twenty yrs. later was imprison. as a Quaker.”
For a comprehensive modern sketch see Anderson 2011.7: 173-176 (GM 1634-1635 T-Y).
Immigr Date1635
Immigr Place“James” from Southampton