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Darwin-L Message Log 1:233 (September 1993)
Academic Discussion on the History and Theory of the Historical Sciences
This is one message from the Archives of Darwin-L (1993–1997), a professional discussion group on the history and theory of the historical sciences.
Note: Additional publications on evolution and the historical sciences by the Darwin-L list owner are available on SSRN.
<1:233>From sally@pogo.isp.pitt.edu Tue Sep 28 14:19:53 1993 To: darwin-l@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu Subject: Re: Heritability and cultural evolution Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 15:23:29 -0400 From: Sally Thomason <sally@pogo.isp.pitt.edu> Elihu Gerson agrees with the earlier poster (whose name I forgot to make a note of -- sorry) that descent-with-modification is a reasonable way to look at a language family's development. So it is; but note that it's not the way to look at *all* resemblances among languages and language families -- there are other sources of similarities, including structural principles common to all human languages, easy-to-learn sounds and sound sequences, and other typological factors that do not in themselves provide evidence for descent with modification, i.e. for a historical relationship. And right, there is no obvious analogue in language history to natural selection, though certainly developmental tendencies of various degrees of specificity can be identified. Sometimes people adopt the language of their conquerors, and sometimes not: it was the Norman French who shifted to English after ca. 1200 A.D., not vice versa. The social factors that determine the outcome of language contact don't lend themselves to easy prediction. Still, there are ways of figuring out the histories of languages in and out of contact situations -- of distinguishing between inherited features and borrowed features. So yes, there are theories of genetic relationship (the biology-derived terminology of historical linguistics dates to the 19th century) and also of influence from other languages. It isn't true, by the way, that human populations tended to be immobile until fairly recent times. If there were such a tendency, the Americas would still be unpopulated, and so would all those islands in the Pacific, among other places. And in places like northern Asia, nomadic populations have been nomadic for a very long time. That's one reason all languages show the effects of language contact. And that makes the assumption that genes and language should match risky. In fact, close inspection of the trees published in Cavalli-Sforza's Nov. 1991 Scientific American article (similar to, but I think not identical with, the patterns reported in his & others' 1988 article referred to in an earlier posting) shows that there is *no* good match at all between his linguistic trees and his genetic trees. One problem with his linguistic trees is that some of their end nodes are not linguistic groups in anyone's classificatory system ("European", "Sardinian", "Indian"). But even if one takes the linguistic trees at face value, they don't match the genetic trees. Check it: you'll see what I mean. And even where there does seem to be a match in Cavalli-Sforza's trees, notably in the Americas, at least some other research has come up with conflicting results. See Callegari-Jacques et al., "Gm Haplotype Distribution in Amerindians: Relationship with Geography and Language" (Am. J of Physical Anthropology 90:427-444, 1993). The last line of their abstract reads, "The notion of a homogeneous Amerind genetic pool does not conform with these and other results." Sally Thomason sally@pogo.isp.pitt.edu
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