Peabody Park > Survey > Butterflies and Moths

Peabody Park Biological Survey

Butterflies and Moths

This page is part of a biological survey of Peabody Park at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Nomenclature for the taxa below follows Glassberg, Butterflies Through Binoculars: The East (New York, 1999) for butterflies. Initials of determiners and locations of grid sections are explained on the references page.

A great many species of butterflies and moths can be found in Peabody Park, but very few have been specifically identified. The information about flight periods given below is very incomplete.

  1. PAPILIONIDAE — Swallowtails

    1. Battus philenor — Pipevine Swallowtail

      Recorded from the Park fields. September. (RJO/JGW, September 1999)

    2. Papilio glaucus — Tiger Swallowtail

      Recorded from the Park in both light and dark phase. March, May, September. (RJO, September 1999) [Images…]

  2. PIERIDAE — Whites and Sulphurs

    1. Pieris rapae — Cabbage White

      Common throughout the Park. March, August–November. (RJO/JGW, November 2000)

    2. Colias eurytheme — Orange Sulphur

      Common in the Park fields in spring. March. (RJO/JGW, March 2000)

  3. LYCAENIDAE — Harvesters, Coppers, Hairstreaks, and Blues

    1. Blue spp.

      Small blues are common in the Park in spring. They are probably Celastrina ladon (Spring Azure) but their identity has not been confirmed. March. (RJO/JGW, March 2000)

  4. NYMPHALIDAE — Brushfoots

    1. Euptoieta claudia — Variegated Fritillary

      Recorded from the Park fields, 31 March 2000. (RJO/JGW, March 2000)

    2. Phyciodes tharos — Pearl Crescent

      Recorded from the Park fields. September. (RJO/JGW, September 1999)

    3. Polygonia interrogationis — Question Mark

      Recorded from the Park fields in August. Other species of Polygonia probably present in the Park also. (RJO/JGW, August 1999)

    4. Nymphalis antiopa — Mourning Cloak

      Recorded from section F9 in late winter/early spring. (RJO, May 1998)

    5. Limenitis archippus — Viceroy

      Recorded near streams in Park fields in fall; caterpillars feed on willow. Distinguished from its evolutionary model, the Monarch, by a black line crossing the hindwing. (RJO, September 1998) [Images…]

    6. Asterocampa celtis — Hackberry Emperor

      Recorded from Park sections H9 and D10. August. (RJO, October 1999) [Images…]

    7. Danaus plexippus — Monarch

      A common fall migrant. September–October. (RJO, May 1998)

  5. HESPERIIDAE — Skippers

    1. Epargyreus clarus — Silver-spotted Skipper

      Recorded from section C10 of the Park fields. April. (RJO, August 1999)

    2. Pyrgus communis — Checkered Skipper

      Common in the Park fields. March, August. (RJO/JGW, August 1999)

    3. Hylephila phyleus — Fiery Skipper

      Recorded from the Park fields. September. (RJO/JGW, September 1999)

    4. Atalopedes campestris — Sachem

      Recorded from the Park fields. August. (RJO/JGW, August 1999)

    5. Skipper spp.

      Other species of skippers occur in the Park fields, including dark species (perhaps Pholisora or Erynnis), but these have not been conclusively identified. March, August–November. (RJO/JGW, November 2000)

  6. SATURNIIDAE — Giant Silkworm Moths

    1. Antheraea polyphemus — Polyphemus Moth

      Recorded from section D10 W of Moore-Strong Hall. (RJO, October 1997) [Images…]

  7. YPONOMEUTIDAE — Ermine Moths

    1. Atteva punctella — Ermine Moth

      Adults found commonly on goldrenrod in September in section C11 of Park fields. (RJO, January 1998)

[Last major revision: May 2002]

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